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Breeding objective
Breeding Objectives keep us focused on what is important to our ram buyers production system as well as the key profit drivers for their first cross ewe clients.
At New Armatree we have a SMART Breeding Objective:
S - Specific
M - Measureable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time bound
This allows us to focus our selection decisions to be breeding the sheep that you need tomorrow, today.
At New Armatree we are continually reviewing and revising our breeding objective as we meet our targets to ensure that we are striving for continual genetic gain.
Our breeding objective is expressed in ASBV (Australian Sheep Breeding Value) units to ensure what we are actually improving the genetics of our flock.
NA: New Armatree
BA: Breed Average
Index Target
To continue to improve the BLX
index at a faster rate than the industry.
Breeding Objective for Weight Traits
​PWT: Continue to increase PWT in balance with carcase composition and mature size.
AWT: To maintain adult weights at the current level whilst improving other traits. The aim is to not exceed an ASBV of 10kg.
Breeding Objective for Carcase Traits
PFAT: To maintain fat at current levels.
PEMD: To slightly increase eye muscle depth whilst balancing gain in other trait areas.
MWWT: Increase maternal weaning weight to 0.8 by 2026.
Breeding Objective for Reproduction Traits
ERA: To increase to 0.035 whilst making improvements in other reproduction component traits
LS: To increase litter size to near a breeding value of 0 whilst making improvements in other component traits as well
CON: To maintain conception at its current level whilst pushing the other component traits of reproduction (LS and ERA)
YCON: Yearling conception is important to our clients that are joining ewe lambs. Our objective is to improve this above-breed average to 0.21. There are few Border Leicester breeders measuring and driving this trait
WR: By moving the component traits of LS and ERA ahead our target is to improve weaning rate to 0.11 by 2026
Breeding Objective for Eating Quality Traits
IMF: To remain above breed average and continue to make improvements in IMF
SF5: To make a small reduction in Shear Force (less is best for this trait)
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